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BK33 - Modus Operandi 9/11

BK33 - Modus Operandi 9/11 Book

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Price Each $8.40
  • Modus Operandi 9/11 is a unique comedy-driven drama dealing with the modern day adventures of such oddball characters as Slippery Jack Danielson, Zack Zapata and Nick 'the Nostril' D'Amous. Crossing paths at the most unlikely moments, they end up exposing the White House lies about 9/11 and the War on Terror. The novel casts an unflinching eye on the machinations of the New World Order neocons and fires several well-placed salvos against the fulminators of the Religious Right and at the rise and gall of the New American Empire.
  • Is this novel based on fact or fiction? You be the judge...and jury.
  • Written by Hal Sisson
  • Paperback, 292 pages

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